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Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Description

The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, sturdy, well-proportioned dog with a feathered, medium-length, cream to golden-colored coat. (The coat is not suppose to be red.) The outer coat is water-repellent and the undercoat is dense. The head is broad, with a tapering, but wide, powerful muzzle. It has a scissors bite and a clear frontal stop. The nose is black and the kindly eyes are brown with dark rims. The ears are medium-sized and pendant. Its neck and thighs are muscular and the chest is broad. The tail is long, but never curled.

Golden Retriever Temperament

These are lovable, well-mannered, intelligent dogs with a great charm. They are easily trained, and always patient and gentle with children. Loyal, confident, sweet and eager to please. It is active, loving and an outstanding family dog. Golden Retrievers enjoy pleasing their masters, so obedience training can be fun. They excel in obedience competitions. Friendly with everyone, including other dogs, the Golden Retriever has very little, if any, guarding instincts. While unlikely to attack, Goldens make good watchdogs, loudly signaling a stranger's approach. This breed needs to be around people to be happy. If isolated from human contact, or left alone for long periods of time, the Golden Retriever may become mischievous. They can be over-exuberant and distractible. Some of the Golden's talents are hunting, tracking, retrieving, narcotics detection, agility, competitive obedience, and performing tricks. These dogs also love to swim.


Golden Retriever Height, Weight

Height: Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61 cm.) Bitches 20-22 inches (51-56 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 60-80 pounds (27-36 kg.) Bitches 55-70 pounds (25-32 kg.)

Golden Retriever Health Problems

Prone to hip dysplasia and congenital eye defects. OFA and CERF certification are important from both parents. Parents should also be checked for Von Willebrand's disease and heart problems. Skin allergies are common in Golden Retrievers and require immediate veterinary attention.

Golden Retriever Living Conditions

This breed will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. They are moderately active indoors and will do best with at least a medium to large yard.

Golden Retriever Exercise

The Golden Retriever needs to be taken on a daily, brisk, long walk, jog or run alongside you when you bicycle. In addition, they like to retrieve balls and other toys. Be sure to exercise this dog well and do not overfeed, as he tends to put on weight.

Golden Retriever Life Expectancy

About 10-12 years

Golden Retriever Grooming

The smooth, medium-haired double coat is easy to groom. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, paying particular attention to the dense undercoat. Dry shampoo regularly, but bathe only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.

Golden Retriever Origin

The Golden Retriever was first developed in the British Isles, probably from crosses between a yellow Flat-Coated Retriever, light-coated Tweed Water Spaniels, other spaniels, setters and even the Newfoundland and possibly the Bloodhound. In fact the breed was first shown as a Golden Flat-Coat. The Golden is one of the world's foremost family companion dogs. Many of the top obedience competition dogs in the country are Golden retrievers. The Golden is also a fine bird dog on both land and in the water. He has an excellent nose and has been used not only for hunting and tracking, but also for narcotics detection. Because of his great desire to please and capacity for love and learning, the Golden Retriever is also used as a guide for the blind, therapy dog, and service dog for the disabled.

Golden Retriever Group

Gun Dog, AKC Sporting


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