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Showing posts from July, 2011

Renungan hari ini

Ibrani 13 : 16 " Dan janganlah kamu lupa berbuat baik dan memberi bantuan, sebab korban-korban yang demikianlah yang berkenan kepada Allah. " Masyarakat kapitalis kita saat ini diarahkan untuk satu tujuan. Orang mengumpulkan kekayaan sebanyak-banyaknya. Sementara memang tidak ada yang salah dengan memiliki kelimpahan materi, banyak orang Kristen saat ini telah kehilangan pandangan mengapa Tuhan telah memberkati mereka dengan kemakmuran. Mereka percaya itu untuk kebaikan dan keuntungan mereka sendiri. Tapi perspektif Tuhan sangat berbeda. Sebagai contoh, ini adalah apa yang penulis Ibrani katakan dalam Ibrani 13 : 16. Ayat ini dituliskan dalam beberapa versi, namun memiliki arti yang sama. Ada yang menuliskan jangan lupa berbagi dengan orang lain. Satu terjemahan lain mengatakan, berbagi apa yang Anda miliki. Versi lain menuliskan, jadilah dermawan. Ada juga yang mengatakan, memberi kontribusi kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Anda lihat, Tuhan memberkati kita supaya kita m...

I'm tired of chasing you

I’m really tired of giving you my attention, when you’re not giving me yours. You have so many people chasing you, that I can’t even compete. Everyone’s stunning while I’m just, blah. I’m just hoping that you could actually move on and give me a chance, but no. You’re just holding yourself back from everything.   It’s stressing me.   Because deep down, I really, just simply, like you.

Dear God

Dear God, Sorry if lately you feel I'm drifting away like I don't focus in You anymore :( But Father, help me to stay focused and to hold on to You with whatever happens in my life. Thank You for not leaving me :)

What I believe

I believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  I live to deliver His message of hope, love, and forgiveness.  I act for reasons not of this world but for the one true God.  I will not shove my views down your throat nor I will call you a sinner instead I am called to give strength to the weak and guidance to the lost.

Letusan Gunung Lokon - 14 Juli 2011

Lokon kok meletus di ulang tahun saya ya :( Ini ada beberapa gambar Gunung Lokon yang tak satupun hasil jepretan saya. Gambar-gambar ini adalah hasil jepretan beberapa orang yang saya ambil di twitter dan facebook. Ini adalah foto-foto gunung lokon saat dinyatakan status awas (11-13 Juli 2011) Dan ini adalah foto-foto saat Gunung Lokon meletus (14 Juli 2011 Jam 23.45 Wita) Foto ini diambil pada pagi hari setelah letusan Gunung Lokon dimalam hari (15 Juli 2011)  Sejak tanggal 12 Juli 2011 banyak penduduk Kakaskasen I dan Kinilow telah dievakuasi di tempat pengungsian. Beberapa tempat pengungsian antara lain SMA Kristen 1 Tomohon, SMA Kristen 2 Binsus, SMK Kristen Tomohon, SMP Negeri 1 Tomohon, Taman Kota, PPWG Kaaten.  Jumlah Pengungsi : SMA Kr 1 Tomohon (1352 jiwa), SMA Kr 2/Binsus (496 jiwa), SMK Kr.2 (512 jiwa), SMP N 1 (954 Jiwa),  TAMAN KOTA (883 Jiwa) SD GMIM VII (347 Jiwa) Total pengungsi sampai 15 Juli 2011 adalah 4544 Jiwa. Kor...

Sing to You - Jazzy

The Lyric My Jesus, my God You are King of above everything I love You, for every single breath of mine. My Jesus, my Lord You are friend of mine forever Lead me to Your way To bring Your glory. I commit my life for You Everything that I do Only to worship You Only to praise You I will always be in You Everything I have in me I will lift my life to honor And glorify Your Name. sing_to_You.mp4 Watch on Posterous   I just made this song in summer 2008. The guitarist name is Raffles.

Has this ever happened to you?

You talk to someone new. They become a daily routine of yours. Talking all day everyday. Then there comes a day where you guys don’t talk. No reason at all, but you can’t help but ask— Why? You get kinda sad. Days pass and you come to find out that you’ve been simply replaced.  source:

Bobby Oneway - Terbatas tanpaMu

Dalam hidupku tak semua yang kumau Harapan doaku terjadi untukku. Walau kutahu terlalu mudah bagiMu Untuk memberi jalan bagiku. Namun, jangan rancanganku Tapi rancanganMu berlaku atasku. Andaikan nanti jawabanMu Tak seperti yang aku mau Aku akan tetap bersyukur memuji namaMu. Biarlah kutahu tanpaMu Betapa terbatasnya aku Sehingga ku akan bergantung penuh PadaMu, oh Yesusku. Terbatas_tanpaMu.wma Listen on Posterous

Alejandrina - Diastrophic Dysplasia

When I see girls in their bathing suit, I’m happy for them. When I see girls drive when they’re young, I’m happy for them. When I see girls walking with their boyfriends, I’m happy for them. Sometimes, I wish I was like them… My name is Alejandrina. I’m one in every 500,000. Diastrophic Dysplasia. That’s me in my favorite dress. I’m tiny. Less than 3 feet tall. I have a cleft palate, makes my voice sound cute. I wear braces on my feet, only to balance if I want to dribble a basketball. I can walk. I have an electric wheelchair for better mobilization.   I call it, My PurpleBulldozer. My feet look cool, like a dinosaur. Every once in a while, I have slight hearing problems. I have scoliosis. My hands are the HitchHiker type. My tummy has scars.   I have had many surgeries. Even after all this- I smile. :) I want people to understand how amazing and fortunate you truly are. People out there have it worse. Worse than you and me. Be happy for the Life you are living. Be happy for...

Living a day


It's sad

You meet someone. You two get close. It's all great for awhile. Then someone stops trying. Talk less. Awkward conversations. The drifting. No communication whatsoever. Memories start to fade. Then that person you know becomes that person you KNEW. That's how it usually goes, right? Sad isn't it.

Friendships - relationships

I learned a lot about the friendships. I lost people that were once my best friends. I lost old friendships that I thought would last beyond high school. People I once trusted ended up showing me the opposite. Although I lost those people, I also built more valuable relationships with the people who stayed. I kept the friends that really mattered. I gained stronger friendships with people who were there for me. I realized that besides family, I only have a few people I can truly rely on, but that's okay. Having a huge group of friends isn't that great when most can care less about you. In the end, having a few valuable friendships with people who really have your back is always worth so much more.

My confessions

It hurts being away from you and not being able to say goodbye, not being able to get a hug from you...It hurts more than you'll ever know. It's because you make my day complete, even when it's the little things you do. I know that we're can only be just friends, but sometimes I like to think about how things were before, than I realize that it hurts me even more to do that than not seeing you in a day. At least I know I'll get another chance to see you, but won't get another chance to BE with you.

I get jealous easily

I’m sorry. I don’t like seeing other people flirting with you or coming on to you. It makes me feel like you’d be more interested in them than you are in me. I’m not going to chase after you but I just wanted to let you know it hurts a little when you have all these people sweet talking you. It’s not my fault I get jealous. You’re just so special that I don’t want to lose you to the wrong person.